Saturday, July 14, 2012

A New Season

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens..
Ecclesiastes 3:1

Summer is almost over, and with this approaching end, I find myself stepping into a very new and exciting season of my life. I have decided to move to Minnesota(if the picture wasn't evidence enough)! I will be attending Bethany College of Missions in Bloomington, MN. This has been a REALLY big decision for me because it means leaving a lot of stuff behind. I've been with YWAM for the past year and I have loved every moment of it. Going to Bethany means saying goodbye to YWAM(at least for the next four years) and it's easier said than done. As hard as it is for me to move on, I KNOW that I am making the right decision. God has been speaking to me about attending Bethany for almost a year and I know that His ways are higher than mine; this makes me very excited!

During my DTS we had this special time where we relinquished our rights to God.I remember very specifically relinquishing my right to go to college and further my education. That act of surrender was a really big step for me. I had never even considered not going to college before; it had always been part of my plan. I had always been excited about furthering my education, but I had to come to a place where I was okay with the idea of not going. Though it was hard, we serve an incredibly faithful God! When I came to a place of complete surrender, I really believe that God honored that and gave me back my dream of going to college. He's a really good Dad and He loves to give good gifts to His children.

The program I'll be in is really awesome! I'll be majoring in Intercultural studies with a minor in Kingdom Justice. The first two years there are pretty standard. I will be learning a lot about missions and theology. After I've completed my sophomore year, I will be going on this trip called Global Internship. Basically I will be spending 16 months overseas living in another culture and putting everything I learned in the first two years into practice. It's so very exciting! The first four months of the internship are dedicated solely to learning the language from the locals. Once the internship is over, I will go back to Minnesota for a final semester of debrief/re-entry.

Classes start on August 20th, so the date is approaching fast! As I embark on this new journey, I ask that you would please pray for me. I don't know anyone at the school, so I will be starting completely over. Some specific prayer requests would be: peace as I try to get everything ready for the move, protection as I travel and that I would have an open and willing heart, ready to receive all that God wants to do in and through me. I am so thankful to have all of you in my life. God has truly blessed me with a great community of friends and family! I pray you are all blessed in the Lord!

In Him,